
Your Statement



I have been charged a ‘Fall below fee’, what is this?

If your total sale for the previous month was less than AED 20,000 then a fall below fee/ volume shortfall fee stated in your application form/agreement is charged to your Merchant ID.

For further clarification or queries, please send an email to or contact your Sales Manager.

Why has my account been credited with a lower settlement amount than what I was expecting?

Check that if there is any holdover or outstanding value showing on your statement (e.g. previous outstanding of Refund, Rental or Fee/Chargeback Hold or Fraud Management Unit Hold).

Check to see if any fee for other value-added services has been applied to your account as part of your agreement. These could be:

Fall below Fee: If the total sale for the previous month was less than AED 20,000 then a fall below fee is charged as per the terms

Terminal Rent: Monthly/Yearly rent of the point of sale (POS) device as per your agreed set up terms

Statement Fee: Fee for providing daily statements

Smart View Fee: Smart View Performance Dash Board provides you with invaluable card transaction analyses. Key performance metrics can help you make informed decisions to improve profitability and run operational activities more effectively

Smart Bundle Fee: Smart Bundle is a bundled payment plan that covers your various card processing services and resources we provide – so you won’t have to worry about multiple fees and charges

Fixed Fee: Under fixed fee you will pay just one fixed monthly fee covering:

  • Merchant service
  • Transaction fees
  • Refund fees
  • Smart Bundle package

For every AED 10,000 processed, a monthly fee of AED 229 + VAT is charged.

If you wish to opt out of any of these services then please send an email to for further assistance or clarification.

I see a rounding off difference in my VAT invoice

VAT calculation is an automated process and rounding off numbers will give a minimal difference due to the volume of your transactions. Kindly note that whether you round off or not, the 5% VAT commission will be applicable at the transaction level.

You may refer to the Daily Summary Advice report and tax invoice when you have to file a claim for VAT from the Federal Tax Authority.

For further clarification, please send an email to

I have been charged for POS rent but as per my agreement it was a one-time payment

Please check if you have an additional POS machine. If yes, then the first POS machine was provided based on One-time Payment but the second POS machine is provided on rental basis. Fees and Charges may increase or decrease as per clause 2 (Fees & Charges) of your agreement
Please contact your Sales Manager for further details. If you need to talk to our Contact Centre you can call 800 4448.

I have been charged additional fees but I was not made aware of this when signing the agreement

All fees are detailed in your merchant agreement and you can also find details of these in the ‘Your Statement Explained FAQ’.
The Fees and Charges may be increased or decreased as per the provisions of clause 2 (Fees & Charges) of your agreement.
If there are any changes to your Fees and Charges, we will send you an advance notice of fourteen (14) days or as per the applicable law.
Please contact your Sales Manager for further details. If you need to talk to our Contact Centre you can call 800 4448.

My commission charges have increased, why?

The Fees and Charges may be increased or decreased as per the provisions of clause 2 (Fees & Charges) of your agreement.
If there are any changes to your Fees and Charges, we will send you an advance notice of fourteen (14) days or as per the applicable law.
Please contact your Sales Manager for further details. If you need to talk to our Contact Centre you can call 800 4448.

How can I request for a VAT invoice?

Please forward your email requests to in the pre-formatted Excel file with the following details:

  • Merchant ID (MID)/ Chain ID
  • Month
  • Cycle for requested invoices

(You may download the a copy of the Excel file from our Download Resource section on this page)

How can I request for a PDF Statement?

Please forward your email requests to in the pre-formatted Excel file with the following details:

  • Merchant ID
  • State Date
  • End Date
  • Report type

(You may download the a copy of the pre-formatted Excel file from our download resource section on this page)

How to update my TRN in my VAT invoice?

To update TRN, pls send a copy of VAT certificate and 12 Digits MID by email to

How my VAT invoice look?



Tax Invoice

P.O.BOX 4487
Tax Registration Number 1111111111111
Tax Registration Number 1111111111111

Kind Attn

Tax Invoice No : MID_11102020_13997
Invoice Perod : 01-10-2020 to 10-10-2020
Tax Invoice Date : 11/oct/2020
Description Amount
Fee charged based on volume(MSF) 3730.83 186.57 3917.4
Fee charged based on number of transactions 0 0 0
Terminal Rent 0 0 0
Setup Fee/onboarding Fee 0 0 0
MIS Fee 0 0 0
Fallback Fee 0 0 0
Chargeback Fee 0 0 0
Statement Fee 0 0 0
Fixed Monthly Fee 0 0 0
Smart Bundle Fee 0 0 0
Other Fees 0 0 0
ToTal 3730.83 186.57 3917.4


Exchange Rate 1 (AED/AED)

The exchange rates are benchmarked for VAT invoice reporting only

The VAT is charged on every transaction at a rate of 5% rounded to the nearest fils as per Artcle (61) of Cabinet Decision No. (52) of 2017 On the Executive Regulations of the Federal Decree-law No (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax

This is a computer generated invoice.Requires no signature.


For Technical Support:

Download our Network UAE Merchant Support Application for IOS & Android from the App or Play Store – or check out our YouTube channel, Network International Payment Solutions, for instructional videos.

Network UAE Merchant Support application
YouTube Channel

If you still need support, then you may also contact the following:

If you wish to give feedback regarding our services then please feel free to send an email to our Voice of Customer team at